Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thought of the Moment 20090314 (Oscar Ko)

Natural progression of Christian faith:

--> Recognizing God's sovereignty and one's identity
--> Receiving God's gift of salvation
--> Experiencing God's overwhelming love and grace
--> Living a life transformed

From my observation, Christian life normally starts with the understanding of who God is, and experience His love based on that understanding.

I believe understanding who God is and understanding the depth of God's love is a daily step of Christians and non-Christians alike to get closer to God.

Through that understanding of God and His love, and only that understanding, can "lead" to a life overwhelmed by God's unconditional and unending love for us as sinners, and therefore, live a life transformed by God and God's love alone.

I found that as hard as I tried to recognize myself as a sinner, my pride and my sin can prevent me from doing so, however, when I put my focus on God, then it naturally leads to my understanding of just how broken and how sinful I am because how great and how loving God is. This experience does not lead to a guilt-driven life, but a love-transformed life.

Therefore, it hurts me to see that as Christians, many people live their Christian lives in fear, guilt, responsibility, expectation, and standard. While it is only natural to have God's love overwhelm us to the degree that we love because He loves, we discipline because He disciplines, we care because He cares, and we live because He lives!!!

Galatians 2:20 (New International Version)
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

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